
Showing posts from August, 2023

Loving Something Without Knowing Every Detail

 Today's blog post will be a bit personal -and long-. I am writing this post both to get rid of this "fear" and to encourage people who may think like me.  Every person has a special interest, something they are curious about and enjoy looking at and loving it. For some it is drawing, for others it is mythology, for others it is cars. Most of the time, because we don't know "everything" about these passions, we hesitate to open up and talk about them with people. At least I was like that. I decided that this has to change and I am changing it. It wasn't a short journey; I didn't decide overnight (it can be decided, but because of my tidal character, this process was painful). I told myself that by hiding these passions, that I will only harm myself, I will not be able to embrace the things I love or even discuss a thing or two about them because of what people will say or think. It cannot go on like this, and it won't. Not anymore. I am not going